The Silent Secret
“I have not seen you for quite a while and can’t recollect your face.” She said earnestly. She had a peculiar tendency of forgetting people’s face while remembering their names. “Don’t bother. I remember you, your face.” He said as a matter of fact. “You have learnt how to talk smooth, haven’t you?” she said giggling. “No, your face has been the one which remained with me always. It haunted me everywhere I went to run away from my demons. It was the only thing that brought me back home because I knew my home is in the city you lived. I returned every night and fell asleep hoping to see you the next day. These went on for years. I didn’t even know you moved out of the city. I didn’t fall into bad company because I thought I might lose you. I never got near any intoxication because I was afraid that it would make your memory in my soul blur. I kept on fighting the demons within me hoping that the next time you saw me you found me the same. I failed sometimes and I won sometimes bu...